Thursday, December 10, 2009

70s TV Show CHiPs Trivia

The 70s TV show CHiPs was shot in the late 70s and early 80s which could be considered as a very controversial time in the world, this series was no exception to that. There were always so many back stories with the cast and the crew and conflicts and fights that most fans never even knew about, and if they did, it was not until well after the show was off the air. Although the 70s TV show CHiPs was only on the network for six seasons, there were many interesting and surprising things about it. The top five CHiPs TV show trivia facts are:

1. Rick Rosner, the creator of the show, worked for the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Office as a reserve deputy before creating the show. One shift, he was out on a coffee break in the mid 70s and saw two young California Highway Patrol officers on motorcycles which is what gave him the idea for the show.

2. During the time period when original episodes of CHiPs were still being broadcast, to avoid any confusion, they referred to the syndication episodes as CHiPs Patrol. Fans of the show started to mock this concept immediately because of its redundancy; the show then literally meant California Highway Patrol Patrol. When the series was officially off the air, they went back to the original name for the episodes being played in syndication.

3. Erik Estrada and Larry Wilcox only drew their firearms in CHiPs 99, but never in the original series.

4. Seven Mary Three is a rock band, but even more worthy of noting is their name. They chose their band name based on the radio call sign that the character Jon Baker used in the show.

5. If you were an avid fan then you most likely noticed that Jon Bakers service in Vietnam was occasionally referenced in the show. This made his character one of the earliest and most positive portrayals of a veteran from the Vietnam War. The real Larry Wilcox was actually in Vietnam for a period of 13 months serving as a Marine artilleryman.

The 70s TV show CHiPs is one of the most intriguing and interesting series behind the scenes and these are only a few glimpses into what really went on to make the show such a success. The fact that fans remain interested in the ins and outs of what made the show such a hit truly tells us how timeless it was and still is.

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