Thursday, December 31, 2009

Find Help To Stop Smoking Cigarettes

If you are in need of support to halt smoking cigarettes, there are a assortment of different places you can turn. From natural cease smoking cigarettes goods to stop smoking cigarettes antidepressant medications, there are numerous different ways to quit smoking. You may also join a quit smoking help association to get aid to stop smoking cigarettes, and multitudinous non-profit organizations also offer smoking free videos to supply additional quit smoking tips. No matter which process you choose, the most important aspect of trying to stop smoking cigarettes is the truthful desire to be smoke-free and well again.

A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

There are many prescription medicines that provide aid to stop smoking cigarettes. Quit smoking cigarettes antidepressant medications are becoming more and more popular as doctors realize that smokers tend to be more depressive than the rest of the general population. By treating these depressive symptoms while also reducing nicotine cravings, medication smoking stop treatment has proven to be highly productive in helping individuals to stop smoking cigarettes.

If you are wary of medication to assist stop smoking cigarettes, you might consider one of the natural stop smoking cigarettes products on the market today. There is a growing market for laser smoking cessation treatments and acupuncture cessation smoking methods. Both of these stop smoking cigarettes aids work to boost your endorphin levels, giving you a high of sorts that blocks some of the nicotine cravings that make people begin smoking again. These additional stop smoking cigarettes methods do not have much scientific research to back them up, but there are many individual reports that state that the laser smoking stop therapy worked in one or two treatment sessions.

A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood. General George S Patton

In addition to these commodities, you can also find aid to stop smoking cigarettes at your local grocery store or drugstore. Nicotine replacement stop smoking cigarettes aids provide smokers with a means to manage their cravings and to gradually diminish their dependence on nicotine. These stop smoking cigarettes products come in the forms of nicotine gum, the patch and a smoking cessation shot. All of these methods help to cut down a person’s dependency on nicotine, and they also lend a hand to reduce the symptoms connected with the nicotine withdrawal process. These symptoms can be somewhat severe if a individual stops smoking cold turkey. However, there are a variety of stop smoking cigarettes methods that make the process easier than it has ever been.

A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. Anthony Robbins

Even if you try to quit without the aid of medication or nicotine supplements, you will even need help to stop smoking cigarettes. This help can come in the form of quit smoking support groups, friends, family or co-workers. The more people you have supporting you on you voyage toward superior health, the better off you will be. You can also turn to any number of non-profit organizations to receive the help you need.

Thanks for taking the time to read this quit smoking article. You should continue researching for additional information to help you down the road to a smoke free life.

Fighting Obesity - an ayurvedic way

Fighting Obesity - an ayurvedic way

Definition of Obesity

Excess amount of body fat is Obesity.

Excess weight of muscles, bone, fat and water in the body (like body builders and athletes) is Overweight.

Over weighted persons are at increased health risk than normal persons. They are more prone to chronic diseases like heart diseases, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and few types of cancers.

Is fat necessary to our body?

Certain amount of body fat does the following function
1. Heat insulation.
2. Absorption of shock.
3. Storage of energy. Etc.

Ayurveda describes the functions of body fat as

“Medaha sneha swedaudhrudatwam pushtim asthyancha”

This means in normal conditions the body fat keeps the body moisturized , causes sweating , gives energy to body (by storing energy) and nourishes bones. (By protecting them from shock)

Distribution of fat

Women have more body fat than men. In women usually the fat accumulates around hips giving them a pear shape. In men it accumulates around belly giving them an apple shape. The obesity related problems start when fat accumulates around waist.

In ayurveda the distribution of fat is described as follows.

Medastu sarvabhutaanamudarenvasthi thishtathi |
Ata evodare vriddhihi prayo medaswino bhavet ||

Fat gets deposited in and around belly in all living beings. It is also present in bone. Hence when a person becomes obese his stomach bulges out.

And also the characters of an obese person are described as

"Medo mamsa ativriddhatvaachalasphigudarastanaha"

Which means the hips, belly and breasts of an obese person sag and sagged parts flap as that person moves. An obese person will not be active.

Causes of Obesity

When a person consumes more calories than he burns then the excess calories get stored in the form of fat causing obesity.

1. Genetic factors–Obesity tends to run in families. If parents are fat then the offspring also show a tendency to accumulate fat. Even the diet and lifestyle habits which are practiced in family also contribute to obesity.

2. Environment. – A person’s eating habits and the level of physical activities a person has also contribute for excess deposition of fat. When a person eats food containing more calories and has a sedentary work then the calories consumed are more than calories burnt. The excess amount calories are stored as fat.

3. Psychological disturbances.- There is a tendency to over eat in response to negative emotions like boredom, sadness or anger. This leads to obesity.

4. Binge eating disorder.

5. Diseases and conditions like Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, Depression, and certain neurological problems lead to overeating which in turn leads to accumulation of fat.

6. Medicines such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain.

Causes of obesity according to Ayurveda

The causes of obesity are very clearly explained in ayurveda. The following reasons which are mentioned in ayurveda increase the deposition of fat.

Avayamadivaaswapnashleshmalaaaharasevinaha |
Madhuroannarasaha prayaha snehamedhovivardhati ||

According to ayurveda the causes of obesity are defined as :

1. Avyayama : Not exerting physically
2. Divaswapna: Sleeping in afternoon.
3. Shleshmala Ahara Vihara : The diet and life styles which increase Kapha
4. Madhura Annaha : Consuming sweetened foods .

Health risks due to Obesity

Obesity leads to the following problems.
1. Type-2 diabetes
2. Heart disease.
3. High Blood pressure.
4. Stroke
5. Few types of Cancers
6. Gall stones
7. Liver diseases
8. Osteo arthritis.
9. Gout
10. Infertility
11. Irregular menstruation in women.

According to Ayurveda the obese persons are more prone to the following diseases.

1. Diabetes.
2. Kidney related problems.
3. Hepatitis.
4. Low libido.
5. Low energy levels.
6. Skin problems.
7. Fistula
8. Piles.
9. Filariasis . etc

Tips to reduce Obesity

1. Determine with the help of your physician how much weight has to be reduced.
2. Set several short term realistic goals .
3. Reward yourself each time you make progress (Not food items)
4. Even small weight losses have shown to be beneficial.
5. Make gradual changes in eating habits.
6. You will lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume. Hence eating less and being more active help in losing weight.
7. Sound eating habits keep you out of putting on weight.
8. Stay motivated to lose weight.
9. Slow weight loss is the safest and most effective. ( one to one and half pound per week).
10. Gradual weight loss, promote long term loss of body fat.
11. A person who is moderately active needs daily, 33 calories per kg of body weight to maintain his weight .
12. Reducing calories intake by 300 per day and increasing the physical activity to burn 200 calories per day results in weight loss of 400 Gms per week.
13. To satisfy basic nutritional needs eat a variety of foods every day. Choose from each of the five food groups milk, meat, fruit, vegetable and cereals. Balanced food plans encourage making wise choices about everyday food choices. This type of diet helps to stay at your proper weight for life.
14. Allow for an occasional treat.
15. Evaluate your eating pattern.
16. Try to cut down on foods high in fats and sugar.
17. Most successful weight – loss plans stress on reduction in both calories and the amount of fat eaten
Physical activity:
1. Determine the type of physical activity that suits your life style.
2. Regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging or swimming, is a key factor in achieving permanent weight loss and improving health
3. Health experts recommend exercising 30 minutes or more on all, days of the week for maximum benefits. The exercises should be moderately vigorous to be most effective but not exhausting.
4. Incorporate few simple measures to burn calories effectively. Like- taking an after dinner walk, using stairs instead of escalators or elevators, parking the car farther away to have a longer walk etc.
5. Exercises also improve sense of well being ,decreases stress and decreases appetite in some.

Ayurvedic tips to reduce Obesity

Numerous tips to reduce obesity have been mentioned in ayurveda. The following ayurvedic tips help you to reduce the obesity.
1. Very good exercises. Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, playing out door games etc help to reduce weight.
2. Physical and mental exertion. Exerting physically like doing house hold works, walking to distant places to bring groceries, vegetables etc, walking long distances to bring the child back from school, walking to working place, climbing stairs etc are types of physical exertion. Exerting physically as much as you can help to burn more calories. Mental exertion like worrying or involving in finding solutions to problems also restrict food consumption in some and there by reduces the intake of calories .
3. Having sex frequently is also a good physical exertion.
4. Consumption of honey. This is advisable for non diabetic patients. Consuming 2 tea spoon of honey with a glass of herbal tea which includes weight reducing herbs help a lot in weight reduction. Honey along with these herbs scrapes and dissolves the Kapha and medha (body fat).
5. Sleeping for less hours. Avoiding sleeping in afternoons help to increase the burning of calories. This avoids slowing of basal metabolic rate.
6. Avoiding the food and beverages which increase kapha and medha. The foods which increase kapha and medha are sweets, sweetened drinks , large quantities of carbohydrates and oily food.
7. Consuming wheat products than rice products help to reduce obesity.
8. Using Green gram and horse gram help in reduction of kapha and medha.

Fertility and Well Baby - Case Histories

There are two events in my life that solidify my faith in the power of
nutrition.These monuments will forever bring me backto that core belief that each of us has theability to control who we are, what we choose to think, and
what we choose to do with our health.

My family has an inherent weakness in the area of hormonal balance. I have three aunts who were unable to bear children; my sister has been unable to conceive, even after trying fertility drugs and lazer surgery; and I had surgery years ago to enable me to have the children I longed for. At this time, my surgery was called a 'wedge resection' and served to surgically remove a pie shaped section of each ovary so that the egg could
penetrate the ovarian walls that had become thickened from fibroid cysts.

With this history in mind, I was not surprised when my daughter, Morgan, did not menstruate. From the tender age of sixteen, her OB/GYN induced menstrual periods with the use of birth control pills. Morgan detested this, and would put it off as long as possible. The forced menstruation was debilitating, with agonizing cramps and heavy bleeding. Her doctor had also told Morgan that it was unlikely she would ever have children.

I began looking for an answer which would help Morgan to achieve a period
naturally.I encouraged her to begin a program of pau d'arco, essiac tea, and shark cartilage to help dissolve the cysts on her ovaries. She also included a combination of female corrective herbs which included red raspberry, alfalfa, dong quai, blessed thistle, and black cohosh to target her reproductive system. Along with this, Morgan took a combination of herbs to strengthen the entire endocrine system; particularly the pituitary gland which is the master conductor for our endocrine system. Within three months Morgan began normal periods, without the heavy cramping and bleeding that was a side effect of the birth control pills. She had mixed feelings about this; because she admitted to enjoying the freedom of not having to deal with menstruation for the better portion of each year.

At this point it seemed the victory was won. Another point scored for the incredible power of herbs to return the body to homeostasis. However, both my daughter and I had naively stopped short in realizing that this restored balance could presage further events.

When Morgan announced her pregnancy, my jaw dropped. Her husband, who had learned to accept their lives as being childless, seemed dazed. This baffled look he wore seemed plastered to his countenance from that day until the day their daughter, Sierra, was born. I will never forget the glorious moment when the doctor held up the newborn and announced, "This is the healthiest looking baby I've seen in a long time."

About this same time, my daughter-in-law was expecting her first child. Wendy's doctor sent her to a High-Risk Specialist after the ultra sound revealed only two channels in the umbilical cord, rather than three. Two channels are meant to deliver nutrients to the fetus and one carries waste out of the womb. The doctor explained their concern that the baby could be born with Down's Syndrome, but would definitely be undersized, due to the missing umbilical channel. Wendy was monitored closely with frequent ultra-sounds as well as comparative measurements taken of the baby's head growth.

We knew it was imperative to get as much nutrition as possible through that single channel. Wendy began taking raspberry leaf herb, alfalfa, kelp, and dandelion. The alfalfa was taken in concentrated form as this herb directly feeds the pituitary gland, which in turn promotes growth. Wendy was faithful in taking her supplements throughout her entire pregnancy.

I had the good fortune to be present at this granddaughter's birth also. The delivery room was filled with no less than eight hospital personnel as the time approached for the baby's birth. The staff were solicitous and kind; and they were fully prepared for a preemie. When Wendy was in transition, and barely aware of comments around her, one of the doctors said to staff, "We don't expect the baby to be over five pounds." I stood on the side, with my son's mother-in-law, waiting anxiously as a chorus of medical students, nurses, and doctors chanted in unison, "push, push, push". Each time
the baby's head crowned, we held our breaths, and then the tiny wet head would disappear. Again the chorus....."push, push, push". Finally that triumphant moment came when the baby slipped out and everyone heaved a sigh of relief, and a shout of exhilaration. Everyone feels as though they have somehow participated in, and not just observed, a miraculous event.

Kaitlynn was born, and she weighed a glorious 7.6 pounds, had perfect color, and was strong and healthy in every way. The hospital preparations for an undersized, undernourished baby were not needed. The comments around the room were, "Maybe there were three channels after all." So a portion of the umbilical cord was taken to the lab to be analyzed. The result showed that, indeed, only two channels had been present.

Two beautiful granddaughters. Uncertain beginnings...but with the help of proper nutrition, and positive thinking.....two very precious gifts.

The information in this article is intended for education purposes only. It is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or
replace medical treatment.

Feeling Blue? Think Orange!

Have you been feeling a little blue lately? Statistics claim that an estimated half a million people suffer each winter from a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Sometimes this can bring on severe depression along with weight gain. For many of us it is only a re-adjusting time that makes us feel a little blue.

What causes these blue feelings? Due to the lessening of sunlight hours received our brain chemicals can become imbalanced causing us to feel more tired, moody and more apt to eat more. It is often referred to as “The Winter Blues”.

Personally, it tends to hit me when we turn the clocks back in October and continues until the spring comes.

Even animals are affected by this seasonal change. The Hibernation instinct is very strong.

What can we do to help lift our spirits? THINK ORANGE!!!!

Yes, Aromatherapy can help you out with its sweet citrus Essential Oils. All of the citrus oils will help but I find Orange a great pick me up…following close behind is Grapefruit

How can we incorporate this into our daily lives? We can easily diffuse orange essential oil in a diffuser on our desk or work area. We can also add Orange Essential Oil to our dishwashing liquid and cleaners. It is great for cleaning up.

Be careful not to use cold pressed citrus oils on the skin as it may cause photosensitivity. Even though there is not as much sunlight in the winter there are still some UV rays shining so the best bet is to keep citrus oils off of your skin.

By the way, adding a few drops of cinnamon to the orange in the diffuser makes a lovely warm, wintery scent!

So remember: If you are feeling Blue…Think Orange!

Below is a chart depicting the various characteristics of Orange Essential Oil

Citrus sinensis
Family: Rutaceae

Extraction: Cold Pressed

Part: Peel

Harvest: Florida: December, January, February; California: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, December; Israel: October, November; South Africa: May, June

Color : Yellowish orange to dark orange

Smell: Sweet, Citrus, Fruity, Fresh

Note: Top

Effect: Stimulating or Sedating depending on dosage

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Magic: Purification, Joy, Physical energy, Magical energy

Chakra: 7th (Spiritual Chakra)

Description: Grown in Sicily, Israel, Spain, California, Florida, France, Cypress and China. A small sized tree with bright orange fruit. An inferior oil is made from the peel and juice. Native to China.

Historical Info: The orange tree is believed to have been taken by Franciscan monks to the West coast of America, where they began cultivating it.

Warnings: Slight chance of phototoxicity

Blends With: Black Pepper *, Cinnamon leaf **, Clary Sage ****, Clove *, Cypress *, Frankincense **, Geranium *, Ginger *, Grapefruit *, Jasmine *, Juniper Berry *, Lavender ***, Lemon **, Mandarin **, Myrrh ***, Niaouli *, Nutmeg **, Petigrain *, Rose *, Rosemary **, Tea Tree *, Ylang Ylang **,

Main Chemical Constituents: 90% monoterpenes: Mainly limonene, bergapten, auraptenol, acids

Properties: Anti-Septic, Disinfectant

Symptoms: Anxiety ***, Astringent *, Cellulite *, Colds/Flu *, Constipation ***, Depression ****, Digestion ****, Fever *, Female Complaints **, High blood pressure **, Irregular heart beat *, Insomnia ***, Mouth ulcers *, Nervousness *****, Shock *, Stress/Tension *, Water Retention *, Weight Loss *

Emotional: Encourages emotional expression, heals emotional memories, hysteria, clearing

Feel anxious again? Go excercising or relax to music...

Of course, no matter if you've ever experienced anxiety disorder, you know about such treatments as herbal or homeopathy management of it with the use of the essence of Bach flower, berocca or ginger, gotu kola or lemongrass leaves, licorice, magnesium, passion flower, St. John's wort or valerian.

Aromatherapy along with hydrotherapy do not work recent research say. Vitamin C is not effective either, according to these studies. No matter how much you laugh, pray, avoid caffeine in your food and drink or keep to a carbohydrate-rich/protein-poor diet, or how many hours a week you spend on yoga. This measures are absolutely uneffective in anxiety disorder treatment.

But if you swap praying for meditation, and yoga classes for dance/movement therapy together with music, you increase the chance that your effort will be paid off. In the same category you can find relaxation therapy, exercise, bibliotherapy, autogenic therapy, massage (might be effective for kids only, researchers say), inositol and acupuncture.

Some treatments, such as kava and 5-hydroxyl-L-tryptophan, are effective but kava brings with it severe side effect, such as liver toxity and 5-hydroxyl-L-tryptophan can cause eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.

The conclusion investigators came to is that the majority of complementary and alternative medicines so popular nowadays cannot be accepted as an adequate alternative for treating anxiety disorders.

You can read more at herbal alternative medicine articles.

Evoking The Right Moods With Aromatherapy Candles

For your wedding anniversary this time, you planned a lovely evening, complete with a sumptuous dinner by the candle light. Though everything went right according to your plans, it were the candles that spoiled the evening. First, the table got all dirty with burnt wax all over it. Second, the soot and smoke marred the romantic atmosphere.

The ordinary candles that we get in the market are made out of paraffin. Paraffin is a petroleum-based product and thus results in more soot and smoke when the candle is burnt. So, if you are using these candles, be prepared for the unclean burning. However, if you want to avoid these, go for aromatherapy candles.

Aromatherapy candles are made from essential oils of plants. And lighting the room is only a secondary feature of these candles; the primary use is in stimulating oneself physiologically and therapeutically. It is well known that aromas and fragrances are effective for evoking mood and emotions. So if you are looking forward to romantic evening, just use aromatherapy candles and see how your beau says just the right words.

The market place has a wide range of options for you to choose in aromatherapy candles. Choose from floating, pillars, gel, votive and jar candles. If you are free and want to do something creative then go for designing aromatherapy candles for yourself. It is easy. You must be aware of the basic preparation method and have a knowledge of essential oils. And lo! Your candle is ready.

Lavender is the most popular oil used in the preparation of these candles. Light a candle when you are taking bath. Or place a candle by the dining table. Lavender has stress relieving features and will keep you stress free for the entire day.

You have a large choice in fragrance too. Just understand the mood you want to stir up and make your choice. If you are suffering from sleeplessness, you can use Sage, Chamomile, and Ylang Ylang. Looking for uplifting mood, use Rosemary and Grapefruit induced aromatherapy candles. Similarly, there are candles with aromas of Eucalyptus, Geranium, Peppermint, and many more.

The wax used for preparation of the candles must preferably be natural. The soot released from paraffin candles has been associated with many diseases. Vegetable based wax like soy, palm and beeswax burn clean and for long. They release less soot.

However, while purchasing aromatherapy candles, one must be cautious. What is sold as aromatic candles may be made of synthetic wax and fragrances. These may be toxic at times. So choose the aromatherapy candles with care.

Essentials Oils - Natures Precious Gift

Essential Oils: Nature's Precious Gift Have you ever wondered what is the reason of perfume in flowers and other plant parts? They are the essential oils. But in addition to the aromatic part, the essential oils also contain plant hormones and some other compounds. The essential oils are highly effective at very low concentrations. They have considerable effects on plants, animals as well as insects. The main reason of this is that the essential oils are very ancient compounds that were produced by the very ancient plants and have been produced ever since. The animals existed with the plants from the beginning. This long term of co-existence has caused them to respond to these essential oils in some way or the other.

The essential oils are extracted today by expression, steam distillation or solvent extraction. The last process of essential oil extraction however kills some of their therapeutic and other values. This renders them less effective. These solvent extracted essential oils are available in the market at a low cost. However, they are less effective and therefore less advisable. In the distillation process of extraction, water and steam are used to remove the oils out of fresh or dried plants. Solvent extraction uses the use of a solvent like alcohol to extract the essential oils.

Essential oils have been mentioned in the very ancient literature. These oils were used in the days long back in the Egyptian civilization. They were also being used in the ancient India, Rome, etc. The essential oils were generally used as a source of perfume in the ancient days. The Egyptians had big machines for extracting the Essential oils. As they were used in various other purposes and were dear to afford, the essential oils were also called as ‘Precious oils' in the ancient days. Their use in religious rituals also assigned them the name of ‘sacred oils'. However, the essential oils name exists now.

The therapeutic value of essential oils is admirable. In the contemporary period, they have been used first by a French Chemist in treatment. This kind of treatment was coined the term ‘aromatherapy'. The aromatherapy is used even today, since most of the essential oils effect in a much pleasant way on human health. Being natural, they don't generally cause a side effect. However, some may have adverse effects.

The essential oils can help in the cure of anxiety, depression, fatigue, memory problems, headaches, insomnia, etc. They sometimes show an unbelievably fast action. This is because they can easily enter through the skin and even through the cell membranes into the cells. One of the most important uses of some essential oils is that they improve the body immunity. To know more about essential oils, please visit us directly.

Essential Oils Storage – So That You Continue Benefiting For Years

The importance of storing your essential oils in a proper manner can be estimated from the fact that women in the 19th century would ask their jewelers to design special bottles to hold their perfumes and essential oils. Luxury apart, storing essential oils in specially designed bottles helped keep the therapeutic and aromatic properties of the essential oils intact.

It is common knowledge that most of the essential oils become contaminated or their effect gets weakened with time if they are not stored properly. Citrus oils are the most susceptible to early breakdown. They oxidize and begin to lose the aroma and therapeutic properties. The citrus oil becomes cloudy and a sweet fragrance is emitted. This signals towards the deterioration of the essential oil.

Same does not apply to oils such as frankincense, sandalwood, patchouli, and myrrh. They can be stored for a longer time. In fact, they improve with time. In the older times, Egyptians used to embalm the dead people with the essential oils of cedar wood, cinnamon etc. When one such tomb was opened in the early 20th century, traces of the oil were clearly visible.

Will you not like to keep your treasured essential oils in the same manner? Lifetime of the essential oil ranges from 6 months to several years. Through a proper storage, one can increase the shelf life of an essential oil. The following section provides lessons in storing essentials oils.

Dark amber, cobalt blue, or violet glass bottles are the best when it comes to storing essential oils. Sunlight can be very harmful for the essential oils. Ultraviolet rays, which are a part of the sunlight, weaken the essential oil. This explains the reason why it is not advisable to store essential oils in clear glass bottles. Sunlight easily passes through the clear glass bottle, thus producing reaction in the essential oil, and no longer rendering it effective.

Plastic bottles too must not be used as the plastic dissolves with the essential oil and thus is contaminated. One can use aluminum bottles to store the essential oil, but the inner surface of the container must be lined.

Your essential oils need to be kept away from sunlight as far as possible. High temperature can be harmful to the oil. Therefore, the place where the essential oil is stored must not be near any heater vent or any such heat-emitting gadget. Keeping the oil in a refrigerator can help increase its shelf life. Nevertheless, freezing is not acceptable. When cooled at very low temperatures, some essential oils will cloud. It regains its original state when brought to room temperature. Certain citrus oils continue to be cloudy even when brought to room temperature. However, this does not affect their therapeutic properties.

We tend to contaminate the essential oil in the process of using them. The following checklist will be helpful in preventing contamination:

• Never touch the top of the orifice reducer or the inside of the cap.
• Always use separate pipettes for separate oil.
• The pipettes must not be carriers of oxygen. When one uses the pipette for taking out the oil, a few drops of it remain in the pipette. This becomes contaminated when it comes in contact with oxygen outside. When the same pipette is used again, it contaminates the whole bottle.

The cap of the bottle containing essential oils must not be kept open for long. Since they are volatile, they will evaporate.

The cap of the bottle containing essential oil must be selected carefully. Rubber droppers have a tendency to turn into gum when they come in contact with the concentrated essential oil.

Keeping these points in mind, one can surely increase the shelf life of the essential oils. This might require a few extra efforts and might become expensive in some cases, but your treasured essential oils truly deserve this.

Essential Oils For Home Care

Essential oils provide a fantastic natural alternative to common ailments we see at home. The actions of essential oils are broad, ranging from topical antiseptics and anti-inflammatories to analgesics, digestive system tonics, and anti-depressants. While essential oils should not be a substitute for professional medical care, they can be successfully employed for many minor complaints, and as adjuncts to other therapies.

Here we will have a brief look at ten essential oils which may comprise the ‘basic home care kit’. While by no means exhaustive, this list will go a long way to providing effective (and often pleasant!) treatments for you and your family for things like cuts and scrapes, sunburn, digestive troubles, stress related conditions and more.

Oil #1: Tea Tree Essential Oil

When first examined for it’s antiseptic properties, Tea Tree essential oil was found to be 100 times more powerful than carbolic acid – the medical standard at the time. Tea tree has an extremely broad range of antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties that have been confirmed by modern scientific research. Often used topically on small wounds, Tea Tree is also commonly found in oral hygiene preparations, and can also be effectively employed for Candida, athlete’s foot and acne, among other things.

Oil #2: Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender has often been called the ‘medicine chest in a bottle’ for its broad range of applications. Every home should keep Lavender on hand, even if no other oil is used, as it is so very effective on burns. It’s anti-inflammatory action is responsible for the beginnings of modern aromatherapy, as Dr. Jean Valnet discovered Lavender’s healing properties after being burned in a laboratory accident. Lavender is considered to speed wound healing and reduce scarring. The oil is also pleasantly calming, and can be used to reduce stress in a variety of situations – a commonly used technique is to apply Lavender oil ‘neat’ (undiluted) to the soles of the feet of patients recovering from almost any ailment.

Oil #3: Chamomile Essential Oil

Ah, the great tension reliever, Chamomile oil. This extremely gentle essential oil is useful for a wide variety of nervous conditions, and is often indicated for cases of stress in children (including teething and general ‘crankiness’). Rubbing into the solar plexus is a commonly used application if that is where one tends to ‘hold tension’. Chamomile essential oil is available in to varieties, German or Blue Chamomile and Roman Chamomile. The Roman variety is most often used for stress relief, whereas the German variety has the added bonus of being an extremely effective anti-inflammatory.

Oil #4: Peppermint Essential Oil

An excellent digestive tonic, Peppermint essential oil can sooth many stomach complaints. For the traveler, it’s effectiveness on calming motion sickness can be of great help. Further, at least eight controlled studies have shown Peppermint oil to be effective in reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, a painful condition of the intestines. Beyond it’s support of the digestive system, Peppermint is delightfully stimulating to the mind, brightening and sharpening mental focus. Finally, Peppermint is considered by some to be a more effective insect repellent than citronella when used on the body (rather than in the surrounding air).

Oil #5: Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Another essential oil with a broad range of properties, Eucalyptus is most often used for respiratory conditions, being useful in clearing congestion with coughs and colds. However, it’s effects are certainly not limited to the airways – because of it’s broad range of effects, it has been called the aromatherapists ‘designer oil’. Eucalyptus oil can cool the body in Summer (or due to fever – use in a compress), and support the immune system in Winter. Diffusing Eucalyptus oil can kill most staphylococcus bacteria, again being supportive of bronchial infections. It is considered equally effective in cases of cystitis, candida, and sunburn, to name a few, as well as being an insect repellent.

Oil #6: Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium (sometimes known as ‘Geranium Rose’) works wonderfully on both physiological and psychological levels. It’s floral aroma is brightening and uplifting, while also working as a sedative. Malte Hozzel has made this statement regarding this oil : "Geranium’s vital, sensual presence is not subtle, but direct & unavoidable, making it one of the oils of choice for aphrodisiac qualities. (Geranium Essential Oil) inspires natural beauty & enjoyment, uplifts instantly & "tonifies" the mind & intellect in a powerful, nearly demanding attitude. Mobilizing hidden creative & emotional reserves, helping us to rise to our own earthly & spiritual identify. A fiery beauty for the spells of all worlds." Particularly noted for it’s effect on female physiologic conditions, Geranium oil can be effective for menopausal problems, uterine and breast complaints.

Oil #7: Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary essential oil is an effective physical and mental stimulant, whether used in a diffuser or in a morning bath. It’s slightly spicy, rather than floral aroma, has a warming effect particularly useful for arthritic joints and other muscular complaints. It also has a long history of treatment for colds and flu – Rosemary was a component of ‘Four Thieves Vinegar’, which robbers rubbed upon their bodies to prevent infection when up to no good during the plague years of the middle ages. Also, Rosemary is the essential oil most often associated with improving hair growth in cases of Alopecia.

Oil #8: Thyme Essential Oil

Thyme oil is a powerful antiviral, antibiotic, antiseptic and diuretic, though it should be employed with great care. There are many types of Thyme oil available, but only the ‘linalol’ chemotype is appropriate for use with children; all varieties should be diluted prior to topical application. Given the precautions, Thyme can be a first line of defense in cases of flu, being used in a room diffuser. It also supports elimination of toxic wastes from the body (particularly noted for excessive uric acid), and it’s warming quality can eliminate mucous and phlegm. It’s application for the digestive system is that of a powerful anti-parasitic, and for the muscular system, it can be helpful for rheumatic aches and pains. Thyme oil may also be supportive in cases of hair loss.

Oil #9: Lemon Essential Oil

A recent study on test-taking college students showed the diffusion of Lemon oil into a room improved test scores more than any other oil. In addition to it’s mind-brightening qualities, it can also disinfect room air and act as a natural deodorant. Lemon has been noted to support liver function, and is also commonly used to assist in weight loss and cellulite reduction. In blends, lemon adds a pleasant top note, and can create a synergistic effect with other oils. Finally, Lemon oil is commonly used as both a fragrance and flavoring agent.

Oil #10: Clove Essential Oil

The power of Clove essential oil is noted upon the first sensing of the aroma – it is quite strong, sharp and earthy. Clove oil has been found to be the strongest anti-oxidant of any essential oil, and is a component of ‘longevity’ formulas. It is also an extremely potent antibacterial, effective against a broader range of microbes than any other oil except perhaps Oregano – Clove oil has even been employed to sterilize surgical instruments. Clove also has analgesic properties, and can be used to temporarily reduce the pain of toothache. Clove oil (or ground cloves) is also a component of Dr. Huda Clark’s anti-parasite protocol, helping eliminate parasites from one’s digestive system. This is a very powerful oil which should be diluted to 1% or less for topical application.

So, there we have a possible ‘top ten’ essential oils for the home medicine chest, a selection with an extremely broad range of uses for common ailments seen in a family setting. It is important to note that all essential oils are powerful, and they should be treated with caution and respect. Always refer to a trusted source before making specific applications of any oil, as many can be irritating or possibly toxic if used incorrectly.

Essential Oils – The Natural Way To Health And Well Being

Essential oils are the natural product of plant metabolism. They are considered the liquid immune system of the plant. Essential oils come from the stems, seeds, leaves, bark, roots, rinds, flower petals and grasses of plants.

When you buy essential oils don’t be upset at the price. First off, they are well worth it. Secondly, when used properly it only takes a very small amount to accomplish the task. You’ll also want to try to purchase organic essential oils. The more pure the essential oil the more potent it will be. All natural and chemical free should be the only type of essential oil you purchase. Other modifications and processing can alter the strength and the purity of the oil. Essential oils that are extra virgin or cold pressed are great ones to use.

Essential oils can be used for a variety of purposes. Aromatherapy, bath oils, medicinal uses, and massage are only a few of the typical uses for essential oils. For a natural, effective therapy, no matter what the purpose, there is most likely an essential oil available to suite your needs.

When thinking about aromatherapy essential oil there is a variety out there from which to make your choices. The purer an aromatherapy essential oil the more potent the therapeutic effects. There is a wide range of aromatherapy essential oils all with their own unique therapeutic qualities.

Here is some information help you decide to buy any essential oil. To start, your essential oils have to be diluted into base oils. Diluting will make the substance go further and last longer. Dilution of essential oils will not reduce the effects.

Massage therapy essential oils can just as well be used in baths. Since a nice warm bath can be a great way to unwind at the end of the day, what better way to relax than to include a product that will help in many more ways, from rejuvenating the spirit and the mind to conditioning the skin. It is important to note that oil will cause the surface of the tub to become very slick, so use caution when exiting the tub and be sure to wash the tub out thoroughly when finished to avoid an accident the next time you bathe.

As with any product it is always important to check the contents of the oils and purchase them from a reputable company where you have more assurance of the ingredients used. Particular medical condition may cause adverse reactions when using these oils. If you have high blood pressure, pregnancy, epilepsy, heart conditions, diabetes and more consult with a physician before use. Remember, it is a good rule of thumb to spend a little time doing your homework first rather than pay for it later with your health.

Essential Oil Dilution – Making Essential Oil Suitable For All

Essential oils have gained popularity due to the benefits attached to it. There is no better way than essential oils that can be put to multitasks that too keeping you nearer to nature. Anyone can use essential oil according to his needs. Variety of essential oil is available in the market to satisfy the diverse never-ending needs of people.

Different people use different essential oils as per their need. Sensitivity of skin vary from person to person, you need to stay aware of the fact that essential oil may harm your body if your skin is sensitive. But, no need to fear. Now, you can use essential oil dilution to dilute the concentration of essential oil in case if you have sensitive skin.

Essential oil is made from all natural ingredients so that there are no side effects. Essential oils are quite easy to use and have many benefits attached to it. They are commonly used for easy inhalation, steam inhalation that can help with cold and influenza, massage that helps in toning the body, room freshening, bath and many more.

It is true that pure essential oils are volatile oils and can easily penetrate the skin. Using essential oil may cause skin irritation or sensitivity if not properly diluted in carrier oil or if used in high concentrations. Children and the elderly are especially sensitive are specifically found to be sensitive to neat essential oil.

Essential oil dilution acts as a mode to diminish the strength of essential. People who experience skin sensitivity to even mild essentials oils can choose appropriate essential oil dilution. Whenever you use an essential oil for the first time make sure to test yourself for sensitivity by applying your chosen essential oils in a dilution only to a small skin area before using on a larger area of the body.

Skin sensitivity, type of essential oil used and the degree of results you desire determines the dilution needed in the essential oil. Make sure to take a careful, measured approach when using any essential oil and adjust both the quantity of oil used and the amount of dilution in accordance with the body's response that will help you make the best use of the benefits of essential oil.

Use of essential oil dilution does not affect the benefits of essential oil in any manner. It is just a means to make essential oil suitable for all even for people with sensitive skin. It is always recommended to buy the essential oil from a trusted source, which serves only pure essential oils to derive essential oil benefits in the best possible manner.

Essential Oil Bottle – Now Your Valuable Essential Oil Is Safe

Bottles, may it be of glass or plastic, are seen to be the best means to store products that exist in liquid form such as oil. Valuable and costly oils like essential oils are also stored in bottles but not any bottle can be used.

Essential oil bottle is not similar to other oil bottles. Essential oil is costly and needs to be stored with utmost care. To save essential oil from deteriorating and to retain its aromatic properties, they should ideally be kept in either amber or cobalt blue bottles. These are particularly used to keep essential oils because they are dark glass that stops sunlight from penetrating.

Glass amber and glass cobalt blue bottles are commonly used to store essential oil. Cobalt blue bottles are more expensive than amber colored bottle. Don’t go for clear glass bottles when you are searching for essential oil. You may find some lenders selling essential oil in aluminum bottles; they are also suitable if the interior of the bottle is lined.

Essential oil bottles are available in different sizes to meet the desired needs and requirements of the people. They usually come in 5ml, 10ml as well as 15ml. But, expensive essential oils are available in size as little as 2ml. Keeping essential oil bottle openly is risky as they may fall and break down. In such cases, wooden boxes are the best to store essential oils.

People put essential oil at work for different personal purposes. Essential oils are quite easy to use and have therapeutically benefits. They are commonly used for easy inhalation, steam inhalation that can help with cold and influenza, massage that helps in toning the body and activating dead cells, room freshening or bath.
Things you need to remember: -
 Essential oils should also be stored in a cool, dark place.
 Avoid buying essential oils in plastic bottles as the essential oil can dissolve the plastic
 Avoid buying essential oils that have a rubber eyedropper bulb in the top
 Wooden boxes can be used to store essential oils
 Avoid oils that are sold in clear glass bottles as the clear glass can allow light that can damage the essential oils.
 Read the safety data for the essential oils you desire to use
Make sure to keep all the above-mentioned points in mind when you shop for essential oil bottles next time. If you are looking to buy wooden box for the essential oil bottles you have, you can buy suitable boxes economically from many craft stores. But, in case you don’t want to get into the trouble of going out of home. You can look for online lenders, just insert “essential oil bottle” in any of the search engine it could be goggle or yahoo and you can access infinite number of online lenders and then can choose the appropriate essential oil and can order for it, that too online.

Epimedium or Horny Goat Weed - The Herbal Aphrodisiac

Horny Goat Weed also known as Epimedium, Yin Yang Huo, Inyokaku, Xian ling pi, Barrenwort, a medicinal plant used in traditional Chinese medicine, increases blood flow, dilates blood vessels, and fights against infections too. These effects can be useful for those who are suffering from heart problems or bronchitis but the plant helps sexual functions too, according to its properties. Although we can hear more and more about epimediums contribution on increased testosterone level and muscular volume, there are no scientific researches yet to prove this.

The title horny goat weed is a collective noun for the herbal plants from epidemium species, originated from the forests of China and Korea. This annual plant it’s extremely colorful with flowers from yellow to red and gradually darkening leaves during the summer.
An ancient Chinese legend says that the plant got his name from a goat herdsman who was an eye-witness of a goat’s horny rampage after consuming epimedium. For medical purposes in China, the leaves are collected then dried and treated with lambs fat, before used as an aphrodisiac. During centuries men confirmed that horny goat weed improves their sexual performance.
In our days epimedium is advertised as a natural alternative for viagra (for both men and women) or as a muscular increasing formula. It’s sold in many forms: crude, as a tea, extract, capsules but mostly as a component of complex formulas.

Why is used horny goat weed by sportsmen?

When testosterone level is low there are obvious signs of decreased sexual functions, libido and physical performance. Active sports men or ageing people are experiencing negative changes in performance, in sport or in bedroom caused by low testosterone level and to raise this some of them takes horny goat weed.
While there are proves that horny goat weed improves sexual performance boosting libido, the plant’s effect on increased testosterone level and muscular volume wasn’t documented.

Medical properties

According to researches the epimedium can be used in the following cases:

Low libido
Erection problems
Premature ejaculation
Paining periods
Coronary artery problems
High blood pressure
High blood pressure after climax

Horny goat weed primarily used as an aphrodisiac it’s capable to bring you in a state of excitement and keep you there several hours. According to Chinese descriptions horny goat weed has a positive effect on yin, which is the essence of life or more exactly the sperm itself. Contains many biochemical substances, it’s hard to find out which is the most active, but most of the scientists vote the icariin. Chinese studies claims that the heart and the vascular system can benefit too from the use of the epimedium because the plant reduces the high blood pressure and provides optimal blood circulation by preventing the formation of gouts, thanks to the icariin and flavonoid compounds.
Anything that influences the circulatory system has effects also on the sexual functions. By dilating blood vessels and improving circulation horny goat weed increases sensitivity and functionality of sexual organs. It’s well known that when blood circulation is obstructed by obesity or high blood pressure it’s very difficult to maintain an erection.
An unpublished double-blind experiment shows that a herbal formula containing horny goat weed increased with 60% the sexual pleasure on healthy men, and with 40% on viagra users.
Nowadays if a woman with low libido goes to the doctor, her testosterone level will be checked for sure; this notorious male hormone is responsible for the sexual desire even in case of women.
So increasing testosterone level, horny goat weed not only helps managing low libido for both men and women, but can also be an aid for erection problems.

The plant can be effective in treating barrenness too. In china a study on humans, demonstrated that epimedium raised the sperm count and density. Others have demonstrated, that those who have been using this plant experienced positive changes in their sexual, but also in their everyday life.

According to chemist You-Ping Zhu, co-writer of The Chinese Materia Medica 5 % of horny goat weed users has been cured from bronchitis, and more spectacular than the other patients with usual treatment. The positive effects are caused by polysaccharides, the antiviral and antimicrobial compounds of horny goat weed.

More researches are needed to discover all of the secrets of epimedium plant. There are no solid proves that horny goat weed increases testosterone level or muscular volume, but for sure helped men to fight their impotence problems. Scientists are still looking for effects on lungs diseases and circulatory problems.

Horny goat weed decreases blood pressure, so those who have low blood pressure may not use it.
Epimedium grandiflorum – the Japanese epimedium caused respiratory problems in big doses, but for treating impotence are used the plants from epimedium saggitatum and epimedium brevicornum species.
Horny goat weed rarely may dry the mouth or cause nausea. There are no other known side effects.

Horny goat weed pills must be taken with meal 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.

Enuvia Review

Enuvia - Your stomach's best friend

In retrospect, all Enuvia users have just one word for it - praise. What else does one call something that makes such a vast difference to how you digest and enjoy not only your food but also life? The stomach is not only the gateway to the heart, but also the mind and body. A digestive system that is in the right shape makes you feel right just about everything else.

Accumulated toxins in the colon and an overstressed liver and kidneys can wreak havoc on your health. The secret to a long and healthy life is a well-maintained digestive system with the liver, kidneys and stomach/intestines in concert and at ease.

Otherwise only disharmony ensues. Stomach upsets, indigestion, flatulence, allergies, reduced bodily resistance, protruding belly, bad breath, weight loss in odd places, and various other potentially fatal conditions become routine. All this because your innards are unable to assimilate, absorb and flush out the unwanted stuff properly. You eat also tend to eat more but digest less, putting greater burden on your digestive system and other related organs.

Enuvia - The way to good healthy digestion

With Enuvia, it is but a short way to normalcy. The results are quicker and longer lasting. You will observe that even after eating less you will be able to digest more fully and completely. Your bowel movements become regular, other irritations cease. A smoothly functioning digestive system gets you on song and in harmony with things around you and people about you. It has the power to change your very outlook.

A colon-cleanser, liver-cleanser and kidney-cleanser, it does what tonics, enemas, nature cure and the whole works cannot, with just a few pills everyday. There are no side effects (if a spring in your step and a smile on your face could be called as such!). If you find it all hard to believe just have a glance at our testimonial page. Our users are all but not rubbing their …hands.. in joy and in praise of Enuvia. They are now the most loyal Enuviators. They have discovered how to Enuviate towards a better life. Most conveniently.

Enuvia - the total maintenance kit for your digestive system

Enuvia is a premium internal cleanser with far reaching effects on the digestive, alimentary and excretory system. It flushes you clean (pardon the usage) of toxins and makes you feel lighter, brighter and better by the day. It makes your diet work right and show better results. You will not only digest what you eat better, but also more become conscious of what you eat once you realize how good it feels to have a system clean and efficient inside you.

Enuvia is the beginning of a whole new way of life and living. In spite our utmost carefulness we are prone to exposing our digestive system to toxic substances that have become part and parcel of most of the packaged foods we eat. Going natural and green and fibrous is good but not enough. We need to internal-cleanse our system periodically. Enuvia gives you the most efficient inside job with the longest lasting results. It is an all-natural way (only potent foods and herbs in it) to perfect metabolism and way ahead of cheaper alternatives in terms of intensity, effectiveness and lasting effect.

Enuvia - go for the superior gut feeling!

Emotional Freedom Techniques & Answers From Acupunture

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a healing tool based on the theory that our emotions and physical symptoms are linked to the underlying energy system of the body. That energy system is the acupuncture meridian system known to the Chinese for thousands of years.

EFT was developed by Stanford Engineer Gary Craig, who discovered the basic theory in 1991 and continues to this day to develop and improve on EFT applications.

The underpinning theory of EFT is simple, yet sheds a whole new light on our emotional experiences and how we interpret them.

Gary Craig's EFT discovery statement asserts that: "The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system." He believes that "our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most physical pains and diseases."

How Does EFT Work?
Chinese Medicine and the ancient Indian Science of Ayurveda both support the concept that our emotional experiences, in particular resentments, hurts and anger, contribute significantly to the development of disease in the human body.

While the EFT theory that all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the energy system of the body may sound odd at first, the idea is far from new. In fact, it's 5,000 years old and was more recently enforced by Albert Einstein who taught that everything is made of energy.

The reason EFT works so well is purely because it embraces the secrets of Eastern healing traditions that have been overlooked by the west.

Acupuncture is finally attracting interest, and research has been conducted to try and figure out how and why it works. Yet that research will always seek to put acupuncture in a box that makes sense to what conforms in the West. The impressive results of acupuncture have been called a placebo effect, when, in truth, they are due to an ancient understanding of meridian energy circuitry which runs throughout all living creatures.

EFT & Acupuncture
In acupuncture, points are carefully selected by practitioners trained to read the maps of the meridian system. EFT is based on a select few of these potent points known to excel in giving emotional and physical relief to anyone who simply learns where they are and how to use them. EFT doesn't require expert knowledge, or the use of needles, the points are simply stimulated by tapping on them with the fingertips.

We need only look to the fact that in China hundreds of people every day undergo heart surgery using nothing but acupuncture for anaesthesia, to realise that anything based on the solid healing foundation that acupuncture has to offer is worth exploring further.

Gary Craig developed EFT as an incredibly user friendly access point to the benefits of acupuncture and the healing potential latent within us all to deal with our physical and emotional pain. EFT’s track record for relieving negative emotions, anxiety and trauma has earned it the descriptive title of “acupuncture for the emotions, but without the needles.”

The EFT Challenge
There's an old saying that we should judge a tree by it's fruits. The fruits of EFT can be quickly and easily tasted by learning the basics and setting EFT to work on dissolving any negative emotion. EFT takes just 5 minutes to learn, and then you can put it to the test of your own direct experience.

Emollients and Lubricant Drugstore Laxatives

Stool Softener Laxatives - Emollients

Stool softeners and emollients work by absorbing water into the fecal matter. This makes the fecal matter softer so it can pass easier through your colon and out the rectum. Two of the chemicals used in stool softener laxatives are docusate sodium and docusate calcium.

Don’t use these types of laxatives since they have chemicals that can produce side effects. Docusate sodium has been found to increase the toxicity of drugs when taken at the same time. In addition, they affect liver function.

You can find some of these laxatives at your local drugstore under the names,

* Colace – contains docusate sodium

* Dialose – contains docusate sodium

* Surfak – contains docusate calcium

Other products that contain docusate sodium and docusate calcium are:

* Senokot-S, Correctol 50 plus, Fleet Stool Softener, Phillips Liquid-Gel

Avoid using docusate with mineral oil since this increases the chances of absorbing some mineral oil into the body. Mineral oil in the body tissues can form tumors.

Pregnant women should avoid using this type of laxative.

Lubricants Stool Softeners

Lubricants stimulate a bowel movement by coating your colon walls and fecal matter. These lubricants also help keep water in the fecal matter, preventing them from becoming hard and difficult to pass through your colon and rectum. One such lubricant is Mineral oil – (not recommended)

Avoid laxatives that contain mineral oils. These oils can cause a pneumonia that is difficult to clear. They interfere with intestinal absorption of food nutrients, and fat-soluble vitamins, like vitamin A, and collect in the lymph nodes when used often.

Mineral oil is not a food. It coats food and prevents it from being digested and prevents absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

Dale Alexander, author of Arthritis Common Sense, 1981, reminds us that,

“Crude mineral oil was discovered, by Indians, on top of stagnant water in the oil fields. Today, mineral oil is refined into pure from petroleum. Refineries could not sell mineral oil for automobile use, so their representatives educated people to pour it into their bodies. Just the way mineral oil does not pass qualifications for a car carburetor, it forms puddles of useless oil in your intestinal loops.”

Mineral oil passes from the mouth, all the way through your colon, and out the rectum without being absorbed. However, it sometimes passes through the intestinal walls in small amounts and poses a health hazard in the body. It also leaks out of the rectum, if too much is used.

Some of the lubricant drugstore laxatives are:

* Alin plus phenolphthalein –

* Dioctyl sodium sulfosucciante – a detergent type substance that lowers the surface tension of your colon walls and fecal matter.

* Docusate potassium

* Magnesium hydroxide – brings in more water into your colon. When too much is taken, it can create embarrassment for you.

* Osmolak plus lactulose (lactulose is a synthetic sugar that pulls water out of the body and into your colon to soften stools.)

* Sokol plus mineral oil

Dioctyl sodium Sulfosucciante belongs to a family of chemicals that reduces the surface tension of the fecal matter in your colon allowing water and fat to penetrate and make the fecal matter softer. These chemicals are known as,

* Dioctyl sodium succiante (also known as docusate sodium)

* Dioctyl potassium succinate (also known as docusate potassium)

* Dioctyl calcium succinate (also know as docusate calcium)

If you are pregnant, do not use mineral oil or other oils to get relief from constipation. During pregnancy you need good absorption of minerals and nutrients to provide for your newborn. Excessive use of mineral oil during pregnancy can cause bleeding in newborns.

In her book, Linda Clark’s Handbook of Natural Remedies for Common Ailments, Linda writes about mineral oil,

“The message has finally got through to the public and the medical profession that mineral oil is one of the most damaging of all laxatives. It robs the body of Vitamins A, D, E, K: interferes with absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and can actually lead to other diseases.”

Eliminating Stress

We have officially accepted stress as an everyday, unavoidable black cloud that follows us wherever we go. It’s in the car. It’s in the office. It’s at home. Stress is waiting around every corner with it’s sharp edges ready to chip away at our most complete selves. Stress heightens our blood pressure, making us irritable and tired. It causes our bodies to lock up and feel limited in the activities we used to be able to do. Whether we realize it or not, stress is a significant ingredient in what weighs us down.

It is a difficult concept to realize in one’s self. We get lost in the day to day hustle and bustle; each new day elicits tasks and responsibilities. We forget to take a moment to consider how we feel both physically and emotionally. “But I have to take the car to the shop……”

Let me empower you with the idea of massage therapy. My job, my passion in life is to help people feel good; to encourage each individual to gain control of their own well-being arm them with a protective shield against stress. No phones, no traffic, no kids; a calm and soothing environment for you to let go and tune in. To work the knots out, to replace the dull ache with vibrant mobility. To bring you back to a place when you felt strong and energetic.

It’s seemingly too simple a solution. How can a massage combat the negative effects of stressful situations that face us when we wake up every day? The answer is that massage is part of the solution, and restitution happens a little in small steps. “But I just don’t have the time…”

Saying you don’t have the time is just like saying yes to sore neck and shoulder muscles. Saying you don’t have the time allows stress to work it’s dark magic and slowly suck the metaphorical breath right out of you. Enough of the bad stuff; let’s talk benefits.

Massage improves circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid. Healthy, hearty oxygenated blood to limbs and muscles make the body happy! Massage is an excellent compliment to exercise and stretching, which also promote fluid movement. Massage eases tense muscles. Have you ever had that pain in the neck and shoulders that keeps you from looking over your shoulder? The pain that intensifies after long days and commutes? Massage can really help that. Better yet, massage can keep it from coming back; it’s just a tight muscle.


Massage increases immune system functions. Healthy, non-restricted blood carries antibodies to all parts of your body, and contains cells that devour the metabolic wastes. Keep it clean and flowing! Keep your energy levels up. “Go ahead cold, make my day…”

Massage improves joint flexibility. Tight muscles anchor joints down. Lighten the load; decrease the tension and you’ll be doing the backstroke all the way home.

Massage promotes the feeling of wholeness. Do you ever feel disconnected from the waist down? Do you feel like your hands and feet are numb and restricted in movement? A full body massage works closely with your energy levels, bringing back into focus that you are a complete individual from head to toe. Get grounded!

And that’s just to name a few. Nevermind massage facilitates recovery from injury, relieves anxiety, calms the mind, brings to light self awareness, and overall feels really good…

No more excuses. A reason to avoid your well-being and simply endure the negative effects of stress does not exist. Get a massage. For your body, mind and spirit.

Jennifer Myers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Eight Tips for Managing Pain

Perhaps the hardest part of having arthritis or a related condition is the pain that usually accompanies it. Managing and understanding that pain, and the impact it has on one’s life, is a big issue with most arthritis sufferers. The first step in managing arthritis pain is knowing which type of arthritis or condition you have, because that will help determine your treatment. Before learning different management techniques, however, it's important to understand some concepts about pain.

No. 1: Not All Pain is Alike
Just as there are different types of arthritis, there are also different types of pain. Even your own pain may vary from day to day.

No. 2: The Purpose of Pain
Pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong, or that you need to act. If you touch a hot stove, pain signals from your brain tell you to pull your hand away. This type of pain helps protect you. Chronic, long-lasting pain, like the kind that accompanies arthritis, is different. While it tells you that something is wrong, it often isn't as easy to relieve.

No. 3: Causes of Pain
Arthritis pain is caused by several factors, such as (1) Inflammation, the process that causes the redness and swelling in your joints; (2) Damage to joint tissues, which results from the disease process or from stress, injury or pressure on the joints; (3) Fatigue resulting from the disease process, which can make pain worse and more difficult to bear; and (4) Depression or stress, which results from limited movement or no longer doing activities you enjoy.

No. 4: Pain Factors
Things such as stress, anxiety, depression or simply “overdoing it” can make pain worse. This often leads to a decrease in physical activity, causing further anxiety and depression, resulting in a downward spiral of ever-increasing pain.

No. 5: Different Reactions to Pain
People react differently to pain. Mentally, you can get caught in a cycle of pain, stress and depression, often resulting from the inability to perform certain functions, which makes managing pain and arthritis seem more difficult. Physically, pain increases the sensitivity of your nervous system and the severity of your arthritis. Emotional and social factors include your fears and anxieties about pain, previous experiences with pain, energy level, attitude about your condition and the way people around you react to pain.

No. 6: Managing Your Pain
Arthritis may limit some of the things you can do, but it doesn't have to control your life. One way to reduce your pain is to build your life around wellness, not pain or sickness. This means taking positive action. Your mind plays an important role in how you feel pain and respond to illness.

Many people with arthritis have found that by learning and practicing pain management skills, they can reduce their pain. Thinking of pain as a signal to take positive action rather than an ordeal you have to endure can help you learn to manage your pain. You can counteract the downward spiral of pain by practicing relaxation techniques, regular massage, hot and cold packs, moderate exercise, and keeping a positive mental outlook. And humor always has a cathartic effect.

No. 7: Don't focus on pain.
The amount of time you spend thinking about pain has a lot to do with how much discomfort you feel. People who dwell on their pain usually say their pain is worse than those who don't dwell on it. One way to take your mind off pain is to distract yourself from pain. Focus on something outside your body, perhaps a hobby or something of personal interest, to take your mind off your discomfort.

No. 8: Think positively. What we say to ourselves often determines what we do and how we look at life. A positive outlook will get you feeling better about yourself, and help to take your mind off your pain. Conversely, a negative outlook sends messages to yourself that often lead to increased pain, or at least the feeling that the pain is worse. So, “in with the good, and out with the bad.”

Reinforce your positive attitude by rewarding yourself each time you think about or do something positive. Take more time for yourself. Talk to your doctor about additional ways to manage pain.

Bruce Bailey, Ph.D.

Effexor XR is a potent inhibitor

Drug Uses

Effexor XR is a potent inhibitor of the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine-two neurotransmitters thought to play important roles in the pathophysiology of depression. Correcting the imbalance of these two chemicals may help relieve symptoms of depression.

How Taken

Effexor XR comes as a capsule to take by mouth. It is usually taken once a day and should be taken with food. Each capsule should be swallowed whole with fluid and not divided, crushed, chewed, or placed in water, or it may be administered by carefully opening the capsule and sprinkling the entire contents on a spoonful of applesauce. This drug/food mixture should be swallowed immediately without chewing and followed with a glass of water to ensure complete swallowing of the pellets.


Before starting Effexor XR, tell your doctor about any medicines you're taking, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. If you take MAOIs you should not take Effexor XR. If you are taking antidepressants you should be watched closely for signs that your condition is getting worse or that you are becoming suicidal, especially when you first start therapy, or when your dose is increased or decreased. You should also be watched for becoming agitated, irritable, hostile, impulsive, or restless. Such symptoms should be reported to your doctor right away. Effexor XR may raise blood pressure in some patients, so blood pressure should be monitored regularly. When you suddenly stop using or quickly lower your daily dose of Effexor XR, discontinuation symptoms may occur. Talk to your doctor before discontinuing or reducing your dose of Effexor XR. Pregnant or nursing women shouldn't take any antidepressant without consulting their doctor. Until you see how Effexor XR affects you, be careful doing such activities as driving a car or operating machinery. Avoid drinking alcohol while taking Effexor XR.

Missed Dose

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take only the next one as directed. Do not take a double dose of this medication.

Possible Side Effects

If you experience any of the following serious side effects, stop taking Effexor XR and contact your doctor immediately or seek emergency medical treatment: an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; or hives); seizures; or an irregular heartbeat or severely high blood pressure (blurred vision, headache). Other, less serious side effects may be more likely to occur. Continue to take Effexor XR and talk to your doctor if you experience nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, abdominal pain, or loss of appetite or weight; dry mouth; drowsiness or dizziness; mild tremor, anxiety, or agitation; insomnia; abnormal dreams; sexual problems such as impotence, abnormal ejaculation, difficulty reaching orgasm, or decreased libido; sweating; yawning; or increase in blood cholesterol levels (detected by blood tests); Side effects other than those listed here may also occur. Talk to your doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially bothersome.

Eczema and Psoriasis - An Inexpensive and Effective Treatment

The purpose of this article is to tell the world what I have learned from my own personal experience about an inexpensive and effective treatment for eczema. Because psoriasis is a very similar affliction, there's a good chance that this treatment would be effective for psoriasis too. Eczema is a skin irritation characterized by red, flaky skin that sometimes has cracks or tiny blisters. It's believed to be hereditary and if both parents have it, there is an 80% chance that their children will have it too.

Once upon a time, I had medical insurance coverage and I was able to afford any medication my doctor prescribed. I used to have a slew of little bottles and creams that were somewhat effective in relieving the itching, but nothing I ever tried had any effect whatsoever in terms of reducing the severity or frequency of eczema attacks. Topical applications of cortisone cream have a limited effect in terms of relieving the itching, but cortisone just suppresses eczema and can actually cause it to spread. There's a theory that eczema can be brought on by stress, and I believe that may be true. After experiencing a year long constant virulent attack during 2004 through 2005 when I was under severe stress, I decided to seek medical help in order to find out whether anything new had been discovered regarding eczema treatment. The only treatment I didn't already know about involves exposure to ultraviolet light radiation which is very expensive. For many years there have been medications that are taken internally, but all of them require regular blood testing for possible liver damage. For me, this is out of the question because any medication that is capable of causing liver damage comes under the category of unacceptable.

One day I was returning from a doctor visit when I passed a health food store, and I had some time to spend so I went in. The woman behind the counter turned out to be a certified nutritionist so I asked her whether she knew anything about eczema treatment that the doctors don't know about. She said "Yes, I do." I said "Really. Tell me." She brought out a small bottle of liquid zinc and told me that some of her customers had reported success with topical applications on their eczema sores. So I bought a bottle. I figured "What have I got to lose? Nothing. Twenty bucks, maybe." To my surprise, it relieved the itching and seemed to have some limited effect in reducing the inflammations. The health food store lady had told me that zinc is a healer so I started thinking about it. I remembered that Desitin is a very effective and well known treatment for baby rash and that the active ingredient is zinc oxide. I thought "If liquid zinc is effective topically, how much more effective could it be if I take it internally?" Being inherently cheap, I was a bit bothered by the idea of buying another small bottle of liquid zinc and I knew that zinc tablets are inexpensive. And that certainly appealed to my wallet. I discussed my idea with the nutritionist who agreed that it could work. So I began with the 75 mg. daily dose that the woman recommended and gradually worked my way upwards until I reached 200 mg. a day.

Eczema makes me so angry that I often curse "the eczema Nazis" each time the first blister occurs with the unmistakable itch that feels like it originates in my bones. I say to myself, "Damnation, I'm under attack again!" Now I say "Come on zinc, be John Wayne and kill every last one of those eczema Nazis!" Eight months after I began my inexpensive experiment with zinc taken internally, I can report real progress. Where previously one tiny eczema blister always signaled a serious outbreak, now it stops without spreading any further and heals very quickly. The indicative first blister is not necessarily accompanied by itching either. To me, this is very significant because it constitutes a completely new pattern that has never before manifested in my entire life.

If you want to try taking zinc internally, I'd recommend "chelated" zinc because zinc is a mineral and minerals are not easily absorbed into the bloodstream. Back in the early 1980's, the health food industry discovered that if minerals are chemically linked to something the body can easily absorb, they are far more effective. The chemists who invent these things decided to use amino acids which are natural proteins, and proteins are easily absorbable. The process of chemically linking a mineral to an amino acid is called chelation. I've written all this with a sincere desire to help others benefit from my experience and I really hope that somebody out there has found my article to be valuable.

Eating Bran to Eliminate Constipation

One reason many people are constipated is they don't eat a lot of fiber. Most people only eat about 8 mg of fiber per day. To have good health and have good elimination, you need around 30- 35 mg of fiber.

Eating bran is one of the quickest and best ways to increase your fiber. It will increase the weight and size of your stools more than the fiber contained in fruits or vegetables. Bran is the outer husk of the grain - wheat, corn, rice, and oat - which is indigestible.

It does not irritate the lining of the stomach, small intestine or your colon. It is not a laxative but promotes the movement fecal matter through your colon in a natural way. Unlike drugstore laxatives or other natural strong laxatives, bran does not quickly purge out all the contents in your colon.

Use one or two heaping tablespoon of bran in your morning cereal, in your baking, and in your smoothies.

Health Alert: When using bran, make sure you drink plenty of water during the day to keep your stools soft.

Here are some other ways to use bran. You can add them to,

" baked breads, muffins and other baked goods
" breaded mixes
" hamburger meat
" juices
" pancake or waffle mix
" salads
" scramble eggs
" soups
" soups
" stuffing
" vegetarian burger mix
" yogurt

When you put bran in juices or anything that is all liquid just eat it with a spoon.

How much bran should you take for good bowel regularity? Each person is different. You need to experiment. Start with two teaspoon each day and work towards 10 teaspoons a day or until you have bowel movements without effort or straining.

There are four basic bran products - wheat, corn, oat, and rice. They all provide a solid source of fiber in varying amounts. Make sure the bran you use is 100% unprocessed bran.

Use bran for a few weeks to get your bowel movements back to normal. Eating bran should get your bowels moving in a few days or less.

Once your bowels are back to normal, back off from using a lot of bran and depend more on fiber from eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

There are many new products, which use bran added to other nutrients or powders. Although these can be useful, use them for a limit time.

Does Your Child Have Constipation?

Child have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don't like to eat food that has a lot of fiber - vegetables and more vegetables. Children with constipation can use the same natural remedies as adults, but in lesser amounts.

You can use these guidelines for children 3 and older. Children should have a bowel movement everyday. It would be best for them to have at least two, if they are eating three meals a day. If your child is having three or less bowel movement per week, it is time to get worried and take action.

If you use some natural remedies, and your child still has only 3 or less bowel movements per week, then its time for you to take your child to see a doctor. Continual constipation can reflect a more serious condition, especially if your child is eating the foods that promote natural bowel movements.

Here is a list of things that you can do for your child with constipation. In fact, these recommendations are also good for you if you have constipation.

1. Drink more water - children are very active and will perspire more than an adult during the day and lose water. If the body needs water it will take from the stools and make them hard and difficult to expel.
2. Eat more fiber - fruits and vegetables is where the fiber is. Using artificial fiber and laxative products is not a good idea. The body can become dependent on these products and lose its bowel sensitive and colon wall tone.
3. Having a bowel movement when it is time - teach your children to go to the bathroom when they get the urge. A lot of times they will put it off if they are playing or doing something they like. Putting it off will de-sensitize the colon and it will stop giving the bowel movement signal after a time. This will lead to constipation.
4. Use natural products that promote bowel movements - there are many fruits and vegetables that promote bowel movements. Use these as snacks. In cases where you use a natural remedy that is bitter, remind your child that it is medicine to help them go to the bathroom more frequently.

Drinking Water

Have your constipated child drink more water throughout the day. Use distilled water. Minimize the use of sodas, tea, and sweeten juices, as these are not water. Eating fruits and vegetable provide the body with distilled water since they contain up to 70% water. Drink unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices provide water and promote bowel movements.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables

The best time to give your child fruits is in the morning. From the time they wake up to noontime is when the body is detoxifying. Heavy foods like meat, milk, cereal, and eggs hinder the detoxifying process. Fruits and their juices accelerate the detoxifying process and promote bowel movement, provided no protein or carbohydrates are eaten. A good breakfast is simply a bowel of fruit. A glass of juice can also be provided.

When in season use a big bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe slices. Otherwise, use a variety of seasonal fruits. Use fruits as a snack between meals. But do not give fruits after a meal as desert. Wait 2-3 hours after a meal before giving fruit. This helps digestion and promotes bowel movements.

Vegetables should be eaten with each meal at noontime and dinner. Vegetables provide water, fiber, and an array of minerals and vitamins necessary for good digestion and colon function.

To make the salad more appealing for your child add raisins or pieces of apple to it.

Look to my other articles for Natural Constipation Remedies. Use those that I discuss. For a child, any herbal products that are used as a constipation remedy should be used at 1/3 the amount listed for an adult.

Does Someone You Know Have Asthma?

This information comes from Asthma Society of Canada

"Doctors define asthma as a "chronic inflammatory disease of the airways" . It is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions affecting Canadians. Asthma can be diagnosed at any age, but often starts in childhood. Its prevalence in Canada has been increasing over the last 20 years and it is estimated that currently over 3 million Canadians have asthma.

"The three strongest risk factors for developing asthma are family history, exposure in infancy to high levels of antigens such as house dust mites, and exposure to tobacco smoke and/or chemical irritants.

"We're all pretty familiar with allergic triggers of asthmatic symptoms, such as mould, animal dander, pollen, dust mites, etc., but perhaps less familiar with non-allergic triggers such as certain drugs, chemicals, fumes and odours, respiratory viral infections, certain weather conditions, strenuous physical exercise, tobacco smoke, and air pollution.

"Urbanization appears to be correlated with an increase in asthma. The nature of the risk is unclear because studies have not taken into account indoor allergens although these have been identified as significant risk factors.

"Experts are struggling to understand why prevalence rates world-wide are, on average, rising by 50% every decade."

At first reading, there isn't much extremely shocking in this report. But with a little research, in my opinion it becomes alarming.

First of all, the report was updated in April of 2005, yet most of the footnoted references are from the mid to late 90's. So the report is about "Canadians" in general; children are still not identified as a unique segment of the population, their needs, habits and susceptibilities are not taken into special consideration, even though the studies all concur that asthma often starts in childhood.

Next, approximately 3 million Canadians have asthma. You have to put that into the context of how many Canadians there are, which in the year 2000 was about 31 million, with an annual growth rate of approximately 1%. So about 9.6% of all Canadians have asthma. Almost one out of 10. If one out of 10 Canadians were in a wheelchair, or wearing a cast, we would take notice. Alarming, since we treat it so casually. It's a chronic disease, which means lifelong constant management and medication.

The world's current (overall as well as natural) growth rate is about 1.3% per year, while prevalence rates of asthma world-wide are, on average, rising by 50% every decade. So asthma is occuring over 3 times more than can be accounted for by population growth. These are rough figures, just to give us an idea of what we're looking at.

And this is only about asthma. It isn't about illness from chemical poisoning, or deaths from poisoning, or lung cancer, or...

So it's time to take steps to prevent asthma and other illnesses and diseases. At the very least, search for and buy the least toxic cleansers for household use. Get educated! Then, store all chemicals safely and securely away from children and pets.

Don't allow smoking in your home, and be aware of and avoid air pollution, both inside and out. Air out your home completely three times a day. Did you know that cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 chemical agents, including over 60 carcinogens? The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institute of Environmental Health Science’s National Toxicology Program, and the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have all classified secondhand smoke as a known human carcinogen—a category reserved for agents for which there is sufficient scientific evidence that they cause cancer.

The U.S. EPA has estimated that exposure to secondhand smoke causes about 3,000 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers and is responsible for up to 300,000 cases of lower respiratory tract infections in children up to 18 months of age in the United States each year. If you have to smoke, just dig your own grave, don't drag others with you!

Do I Really want To Use A Homemade Colon Cleanse?

A homemade colon cleanse might seem like the ideal way to regain power over your health, particularly if you have been experiencing the after-effects of a poor diet, insufficient exercise and the general stresses and strains of our every day modern life. While there is little doubt that a sluggish digestive system can wreak havoc on your sense of wellbeing, is finding out how to make our own homemade colonic remedy the answer?

The sometimes overwhelming presence of the Internet in our daily lives can make us feel as though the answer to how to make just about anything is right there at our fingertips. From building home electronic equipment to baking a cake, it isn’t difficult to find a how-to guide for just about anything. And while serving our family up a batch of burned scones might not be a life-threatening affair, creating our own home remedy for colon cleansing can be more dangerous.

Medical training takes so long for a very good reason – because the human body can be a complex thing. We each, however, own and operate one, so it can be easy to think that we are qualified to deal with each and every aspect of its maintenance, including the creation of our own homemade colon cleansing diet. While tweaking our diet every once in a while to help maintain optimal colon health is no bad thing, discovering how to make home colonics can cross into more tricky territory.

Just because something is homemade, this doesn’t mean it can’t be potent. And while we might engage ourselves in home colon cleansing in the hope of a potent response, we must remember that we might not earn the one we would hope for. Don’t let the name of ‘natural ingredients’ fool you – there are some powerful herbs in our own kitchens than can not only offer us a great homemade colon cleanse, but can unbalance our fragile digestive systems when used incorrectly.

A homemade colonic can be a wonderful way to empty your digestive tract of the build up of debris that might just be wearing you out, but do remember that colon cleansing is a powerful procedure, and can cause adverse effects when used improperly. A wealth of information exists on the topic, but to ensure your continued health and wellbeing, be sure to use this information responsibly.

Always verify anything you read on making a home remedy colon cleanse with another source, and check with your doctor or alternative health practitioner if in any doubt. Millions of people report the wonderful effects that colon cleansing can bring – make sure you don’t become a part of an uncomfortable, or pained, minority by performing your homemade colon cleanse safely.

Do I Really Need Colonic Irrigation ?

Colonic irrigation is lauded by its advocates as providing relief from a number of complaints, while improving also the general health and wellbeing of the irrigation patient. Many mainstream medical professionals, however, as opposed to the alternative practitioners who usually provide the colonic irrigations, remain less than enthused by the treatment, and claim that the procedure merely provides an expensive version of a detox that the body is more than capable of performing by itself. So is the cost of colonic irrigation really justified, or would the consumer be better off with a store bought laxative?

The difference, perhaps, between the colonic irrigation and the laxative is that the first is said to be conducive to maintaining health, while the second is usually only taken as a quick fix when something is clearly wrong with our digestives systems. Not purporting to offer anything other than the most immediate and minimal sort of detox, a laxative makes no lofty health claims for itself. Supporters of colonic irrigations, however, claim that the procedure can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of a variety of different conditions, from chronic fatigue to arthritis. Those patients enduring the daily difficulties associated with such conditions would most readily agree the cost of colonic irrigation to be cheap at half the price if the procedure did indeed bring some respite, and while scientific evidence is lacking in the support of this, the anecdotal affirmation brought to the table by those who have found relief after a colonic irrigation detox cannot easily be ignored.

So what do colonic irrigations actually involve? The procedure is, in the grand scheme of things, a relatively simple one – large amounts of water are introduced into the rectum by the use of a tube and syringe, and removed again after a period of time. The colon, literally, experiences an irrigation, which is thought to remove any fecal build up that exists in the colonic area that might be causing symptoms for the patient because of the seepage of toxins into his or her body. Just as the effectiveness of the treatment is doubted by mainstream medical professionals, so is the problem the colonic irrigation is designed to cure – doctors claim that the material found in our intestines is not damaging to us at all.

For many people, the purpose of a detox is to remove material that might not be forthcoming of its own accord, in which case a laxative – at a cost of just a couple of dollars a pack – would seem to be just the thing. But for those patients who have found relief from a variety of symptoms in its aftermath, the cost of a colonic irrigation would seem to be well worth it. Those with an extra seventy to eighty dollars to spend might just like to find out for themselves.

Do I Have Migraine Headaches?

If you have headaches and are wondering if they could be migraine headaches we can probably help you figure that out. There are some very distinctive characteristics of migraine headaches that can differentiate migraines from other types of headaches such as tension headaches, stress headaches, cluster headaches or other types of headaches.

Migraine headaches are more often than not one-sided, meaning the pain is felt on only one side of the head. Most of the time the pain of a migraine headache can be felt in the temple area or behind one of the eyes or ears. Migraine headaches can become severe and disabling. Nausea is a common symptom of this type of headache as is vomiting or sensitivity to light or sound. About 20% of patients with migraine headaches experience an aura. An aura is a disturbance in vision that can consist of bright blinking colored lights that move across the field of vision.

Migraine headaches can become chronic in nature. When they are chronic the patient most commonly experiences them once or twice a month. However, in some instances migraine headaches can occur as often as once or twice a week. Migraine headaches affect people between the ages of 15 and 55 and are more common in women than in men. Migraines affect women about 3 times as often as men.

Migraines affect about 30 or 40 million Americans, but they are less common than tension headaches. It is estimated that about 75% of all headaches are tension headaches. Tension headaches are typically characterized by a dull pain over the entire head while migraines are usually throbbing in nature and located in one particular spot. In other words, tension-type headaches are a constant dull pain while migraines throb like the beating of the heart.

Chronic tension headaches can occur every day while chronic migraine headaches occur less often, usually once a week to once a month. Fatigue and stress can cause both types of headaches, but migraine headaches can be triggered by other factors such as different types of food. Migraine headaches can sometimes be helped by eliminating these triggers. Foods that may lead to migraines include cheese, alcohol, MSG (monosodium glutamate),
nuts, beans, caffeine, chocolate, onions and others. Eliminating the trigger may eliminate the migraines.

Cluster headaches are far less common than either migraine headaches or tension-type-headaches. Men are about six times more likely than women to experience cluster headaches. The pain of a cluster headache starts quickly, without any warning, and typically reaches its peak between two and fifteen minutes.

The pain of a cluster headache can be extremely intense, deep and explosive. Migraines are usually "pulsing" while clusters are not. Between 10 and 20 percent of cluster patients have "ice-pick" or "stabbing" pain around the eyes. This stabbing pain typically lasts for a few seconds, but can occur several times in succession. When this sudden attack of intense pain occurs it usually means that the headache is near its end.

For natural migraine headache relief it is often beneficial to relax and rest. Sometimes lying in a dark room with an ice pack on the base of the skull can reduce the pressure that is felt in the head. The same treatment can also help tension or stress headaches. Reducing stress can go a long way to relieving many headache symptoms.

If you experience chronic headaches and over-the-counter medication or natural remedies do not help it may be wise to consult a physician.